Monday, December 7, 2015

December 2015: The Month of Restoration of Exceeding Abundant Blessings


Greetings to you in Jesus Name. We thank God who has seen us to December, the last month of 2015, our year of Restoration, and is about to usher us into 2016. We will make it in Jesus Name. 

We appreciate Him for restoration of glory, youth, dominion, holiness, fruitfulness, power, prosperity, greatness, divine health, celebration and greater works from January to November.

He has declared this month as our month of Restoration of Exceeding Abundant Blessings (Eph 3:20-12). Blessing on its own is good, abundant blessing is lavish, exceeding abundant blessing is extraordinary and superlative, what only God can do. 

Be available to receive this from the Hand of God from whom all blessings flow ( Ps 103:2). 

Spread the Excitement and Love of the Season. Tell the world the Reason for the Season (Jesus Christ)- John 3:16-17. Bring them along to experience the joy as we meet for Christmas Carol Service, Christmas Day Service and the December 31st Watchnight Service that ushers us into the new year.

God bless you exceedingly abundantly!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in advance.


Pastors Chris & Ude Ogali
Senior Pastors, RCCG Victory Parish Miami
Provincial Pastor, RCCGNA Region 4, Province 2
(Florida, Caribbean Islands & South Carolina)