Monday, May 4, 2015

May 2015- The Month of Restoration of Fruitfulness

Beloved saints of God,
            Welcome to fruitfulness and the abundant harvest of souls that the Lord himself hath promised us in this year of restoration.
            We shall be fruitful and multiply and the land shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.
            We rejoice at the visit of our Chairman/SATGO Pst James Fadel and wife Pastor Manita Fadel along with our Regional Pastor Isaac Aladeniyi and other pastors and brethren of RCCGNA Province 2, Region 4 and thank God for  a very successful and blessed conference this weekend.
            Let the Lord be magnified that taketh pleasure in the prosperity of His servants.
Pastors Chris & Ude Ogali
Senior Pastors, RCCG Victory Parish Miami
Provincial Pastor, RCCGNA Region 4, Province 2
(Florida, South Carolina & Caribbean Islands)